MNIST Classification with Softmax Regression

MNIST Classification with Softmax Regression


For this project, I implemented a Softmax Regression Neural Network from scratch to classify the MNIST dataset. The MNIST dataset is a dataset of handwritten digits from 0-9, which is a popular dataset used for benchmarking and testing new Machine Learning models. The task was to classify the handwritten digits into their respective classes using a Softmax Regression Neural Network.

The dataset can be found here.

Softmax Regression

Softmax Regression is a type of Logistic Regression that is used for multi-class classification problems. It is used when the output has more than two classes. The Softmax function is used to convert the raw scores of the model into probabilities. The Softmax function is defined as: \[y_k^n = \frac{exp(a_k^n)}{\sum_{k'}a_k^n} \hspace{2em} a_k^n = w^T_kx^n\]

where for a given example, \(x^n\) and c possible classes, the softmax regression, outputs a vector \(y^n\) where each entry represents a probabliity that a given kth class is predicted. And \(a_k^n\) is the input to the softmax output layer from the neural network.


Implementing the network from scratch, we only used numpy for matrix computations.

The network includes a stochatic gradient descent in order to improve the training speed which is implemented using the following algorithm,

Index Page

where \(E^n\) is defined as the Error across the average over the number of training examples, and normalizes it as well. It is also known as the softmax cost function \[E = - \sum_n \sum_{k=1}^c t_k^n \ln y_k^n\]

Then the gradient of the cost function to be used in the backpropagation through the network layers is defined below: \[-\frac{\partial E^n(w)}{\partial w_{jk}} = (t_k^n - y_k^n)x^n_{j}\]


The best model that we achieved was achieved with the following hyper-parameters with RELU activiations on all the layers

Learning Rate0.01
Batch Size128
early stopTrue
early stop epochs3
regularization typeL2
L2 penalty0.001
L1 penalty0.01
momentum gamma0.9

This model achieved a test set accuracy of 97.59%.

For a more in-depth overview of the code and results look at the report and code linked below in deliverables


For a more in-depth review of the project download the report below. And the link to the github with the code is also linked below.